Sunday, 7 April 2013

Searching for the Sea People

Searching for the Sea People today. They are always there ... in the water ... in the sand ... in the tiny fragments that they leave behind - but some days they just go away... don't want to be found. 

No one ever climbed on board a ship believing that they would drown; this experience was all about travel and adventure. In search of a new life or out for a holiday day trip - they were never put off by shipwreck and tragedy - our ancestors just kept on sailing. 

 It might be argued that, until relatively recently, ships were the only form of long distance transport,and indeed they were. But thousands of people lost their lives, needlessly, in pursuit of pleasure. 

Can't help thinking of them when I'm down there on the beach. 

They don't stay away for long - I just discovered the Sea People again.      @beeadamsart

History into Art

There is textural beauty in everything

 - it just depends upon how you look at it. 

If you see it ...     @beeadamsart

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Mother - Child

Oh, to be there ... in the sea, with my child ... but who looks back ? : @beeadamsart